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¿Why MidPoint FX?
Much more than an online money exchange

The Best Exchange Rate
The DNA of our model transfers all the efficiencies to the user to always offer the most competitive exchange rates on the internet clearly and directly. Compare us, you decide. Your street "cambista" will miss you.

A Money Exchange Community
We were born as a group of friends and contacts that exchanged dollars with each other. Today we allow you to buy and sell dollars with people, businesses and small businesses just like you on the internet.

Safety & Confidentiality
All operations occur in strict stealth and protected by security certificates. Your identity is never disclosed and you receive the funds directly in your bank account in minutes. MidPoint guarantees your operation.

Quick, in minutes
All our transactions are completed in approximately 25 minutes after the user receives our confirmation. We can also do it in less than 10 minutes if you are in a hurry.

No fees, no commissions
Our buying and selling exchange rates are published daily in a transparent manner, our spreads are always the same and rarely change during the day.
Registered & Supervised
We are registered with the supervisor as a money
exchange platform and we comply with the AML/FT legislation and law . Our team is trained in prevention and we have an official Compliance Officer.
We understand you because we are like you. We also wanted a better way to exchange dollars and that's why we launched the first fintech platform to buy and sell currency between SMEs, Startups and People like us, a peer-to-peer money exchange, with the power of the sharing economy. We are the future of virtual money exchange houses on the internet, today.